Town Clerk
Yorkshire Town Hall, 82 South Main Street, PO Box 6, Delevan NY 14042
716-492-1640 Fax 716-492-4832 [email protected]
Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM; Wed. 2:00 - 7:00 PM
716-492-1640 Fax 716-492-4832 [email protected]
Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM; Wed. 2:00 - 7:00 PM
Services Provided to Town Residents
Dog Licenses: New and Annual Renewals Every dog in the Town that is over four months old must be licensed. Proof of rabies vaccination is required. The fee for an un-spayed /un-neutered dog is $18. If the dog is spayed/neutered and proof is provided, the fee is $9. Although you can print off and fill out a Dog License Form, the Town Clerk still needs to complete some of the information required on the form. Of course, they are also available at the Town Clerk's Office. Certified copies of Birth, Death, and Marriage Certificates Birth and Death Certificates are on file at the Clerk's office for people who were born or died within the Town limits. Marriage certificates are also available for those whose "Certificate of marriage Registration" was filed in the Town of Yorkshire/Village of Delevan. All certified copies cost $10. Proof of identity is required. Forms that may be downloaded/printed are listed below. Marriage License Applications MUST BE COMPLETED at the Town Clerk's Office. The fee is $40. Although the license is issued immediately, the ceremony may not take place within 24 hours from the time of issuance. It is valid for 60 days, beginning the day after it is issued. For more information, visit Getting Married in NYS. Handicap Parking Applications and Permits The Clerk issues parking permits for Town residents with disabilities at no charge. Applications may be obtained at the Clerk's Office and/or available below. A permit tag will be issued once the form is completed by the applicant's doctor and returned the Clerk. Please provide the applicants driver's license if available. Many doctors have this form available to facilitate the process. If completed with the doctor; you must still come to the Town Clerk's office for issuance. Issuance of Property Tax Bills and Property Tax Payments (via Five Star Bank) Tax bills are mailed each year by January 1st and are payable without penalty through January 31st. If you do not receive your Town and County Tax bill by January 15th, please contact the Clerk's office; failure to receive your bill does not exempt you from penalties incurred. Hunting and Fishing Licenses (license issuing agent with DEC) Cost varies based on the type of license. First-time applicants must provide proof of Hunter's Safety Course completion. For more information, visit the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. Water Billing & Collection Those in the municipal water district can expect a bill quarterly. Bills are sent the first week of January, April, July, and October. If you are on Town water and do not receive a bill, please contact the Clerk's Office. NOTE: the Village of Delevan operates its own billing and collection. Cattaraugus County Transfer Station Tickets, Fees Transfer tickets in the amounts of $5, $10, and $30 may be purchased at the Town Clerk's Office. Cattaraugus County Civil Service Application When applying or accepting a position within the Town, a Civil Service Application is required. You may download and print the form to begin completion prior to meeting with the Town Clerk or Town representative. In person completion is necessary to fulfill identification requirements. |
NoticeThere is a Town Clerk DROP BOX located at the main entrance of the Town Hall. You may drop off dog license renewals (with rabies vaccination update if required), water payments, and other correspondence. Please take care to drop it in the Town Clerk DROP BOX located on the wall to the right of the rear entrance, NOT the black stand-alone drop box located on the left of the door. This is for Court purposes only. Other Services